National Library Week Celebrations were conducted in our school from 15th November to 20th November, 2018. As a part of the celebrations a book fair was organized by ‘Scholastic Books’ for 3 days from 15th to 17th Nov, displaying a wide range of books of all categories for the students and parents to choose and buy. The fair was inaugurated by K. Indraneel of X –A. The response for the fair was very good and a number of students and parents visited the fair and bought books of their choice. A lucky dip draw was taken on the last day of the fair. The winners P. Harshita of X- G, M. Fatima of VI-A and Ch. Sanjita of VI-C were presented with books.
As a part of the celebrations a number of competitions were held like puzzle & Scientist Biography for IV/V category, fiction writing and favourite magazine for VI/VII category and for VIII, IX, X category a book review and essay writing competition were held.
On the valedictory function all the competition winners were awarded prizes by the school Founder Chairman Sri M. Venu Mohan and Ms. Nafeesa Begum, Principal. Students presented their opinion on different authors like Sudha Murthy, R.K. Narayan, Robin Sharma, Shiv khera, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. There was a character parade by students of primary like Cinderella, Rapunzel, Pinochio, Little Red Riding Hood, Akbar and Tenali Rama.
The highlight of this year’s celebrations is felicitation of the budding authors whose stories were published in the book “ Anaga Anaga In Andhra” released in the Vizag Junior Literary Fest-2018. Out of 16 selected stories, the stories of 4 students are from our school. The Founder Chairman congratulated them and presented them cash and the students shared their experiences with the gathering. Many of the students who are regular readers spoke about their experiences and about their favourite books and characters. Jaideep of Class I-A was gifted with a book by the Founder Chairman for his sweet talk on Library and his favourite book.
Speaking on the occasion, the School Founder Chairman told the students about the importance of self-help books and cultivating the habit of regular reading which helps one to build up a strong persona. He wanted students to donate books on their birthday to class room library and continue the good habit of reading good books which will influence and motivate them to do much better.
Little Angels is a dream destination for students who wish to have holistic education. Excellent blending of curricular and co-curricular programmes in the school bring out the late.....Read More..