It was a memorable day for hundreds of IAS aspirants when Shri Dasari Srinivasulu, IAS (Retd. Principal Secretary) spoke and interacted with them in the school auditorium at Little Angels School on 27.12.2018.
In an interactive session, Sri Dasari Srinivasulu appreciated the efforts of the management in moulding children year after year as responsible human beings. He advised students to protect nature. Through a well captivated photo, he impressed upon children that “Attitude makes you the king, not the surroundings.”
If the child has a right positive attitude he can be successful in life and achieve whatever he aspires.
He was nostalgic recollecting all the good work he had done as the Vice-Chairman, VUDA. He felt happy to know that all the children are enjoying the beautiful places like Kailasagiri, Rope way, Health Arena which were started in his tenure. He appreciated the students for coming up with good questions like how do you want people to be in the society ? Are you satisfied with your service to the society ? How do you continue the optimism towards work even till date ? etc.
He emphasized on the need to be humane with good values and understand the suffering of people and be ever ready at the times of need.
The Founder, Chairman Sri M. Venumohan, Director Smt. M. Ranganayaki thanked Dr. Dasari Srinivasulu for accepting the request and coming all the way to motivate and inspire the children. He praised the quality of being humble to help others.
Dr. Dasari Srinivasulu was felicitated by the Management on the occasion.
Little Angels is a dream destination for students who wish to have holistic education. Excellent blending of curricular and co-curricular programmes in the school bring out the late.....Read More..