In this fast forward age, people are pre-occupied with the busy life style and are running behind money. They are forgetting the importance of physical exercise and mental peace. In this situation, yoga is the only solution to overcome stress, anxiety, hypertension etc. and helps to fight depression.
International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June every year. This is the fifth year since the observation of this day was started. Our school also conducted a programme on this day in the auditorium where many enthusiastic children participated. Yoga instructor Ms. Madhuri demonstrated various postures to the children. The Founder and Chairman Shri M.Venu Mohan and Principal attended this programme.
The children shared information about the International Yoga Day and the benefits of yoga. Yoga is one of the best ways of relaxation. The programme started with prayer followed by Protocol, during which various asanas were performed. Postures such as tree pose, half wheel pose, triangle pose, bow pose and child pose were performed by the students concluding with Shavasana. Students shared their opinion regarding yoga and its importance along with the difference it made in their lives.
The Founder & Chairman motivated children to participate in various activities and he suggested children to have a healthy diet and to stay fit. Everyone felt happy to participate in this programme and thanked the school management and the yoga teacher for the opportunity given.
On the occasion of 5th International Yoga Day NCC Boy Cadets participated in the Special Yoga Programme conducted by 6(A)AIR SQN NCC at Sri Prakash Vidyaniketan, Seethammadhara and Girl Cadets participated in the programme organized by 2(A) Girls Bn NCC at A.S. Raja Grounds, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam.
The school also celebrated World Music Day today by organizing a special assembly in which information was given about World Music Day and also by rendering melodious songs to create musical ambience.
The Founder & Chairman congratulated all the participants for celebrating World Music Day in the school.
Little Angels is a dream destination for students who wish to have holistic education. Excellent blending of curricular and co-curricular programmes in the school bring out the late.....Read More..