The students of Little Angels School have been provided an excellent opportunity to visit the Naval War Ship INS-RANVIR on 22.10.2019. The school students council and NCC cadets (boys and girls) from classes 9th & 10th visited the ship. A Strength of 40 students was accompanied by 4 teachers. All the students were excited about this visit and showed their utmost interest in knowing more about the warship. The students were exposed to various facts of life onboard a warship. The officers themselves explained about the ship and its equipments by displaying weapons and how meticulous one has to be while they are on the ship. The students whole heartedly thanked the Eastern Naval Command and the school Management, teachers and the P.E.Ts for providing this wonderful opportunity.
Little Angels is a dream destination for students who wish to have holistic education. Excellent blending of curricular and co-curricular programmes in the school bring out the late.....Read More..