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"Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms: it is about UNDERSTANDING" - William Paul Thurston.

The Mathematics club strives to encourage and enable students to recognize that Mathematics seeps into the world around us.. It helps students appreciate the importance, power and beauty of Mathematics. Children are taught to enjoy Mathematics and develop patience and persistence while solving problems.

Aims and objectives

To help in arousing interest in the subject. To provide an opportunity to develop Mathematical expressions. To help the students to acquaint themselves with the latest knowledge in the subject.

Activities planned by DODECA (Maths Club) for the academic year 2024-25:

Date of conduct of the Event


Activities planned


Euclid's Day

 The children of class 9A and 9B will demonstrate Euclid's axioms in the classrooms.


Pythagoras Theorem Day

  1. Assembly programme will be conducted which includes the following:
    1. Article reading on Pythagoras Theorem
    2. Explanation of Pythagorean Triplets.


Fibonacci Day

Special outdoor assembly will be conducted to demonstrate the Fibonacci numbers and daily life examples of Fibonacci numbers. Relevant materials will be displayed in the display board.

19.12.2024 National Maths Day

i) Special outdoor assembly

ii)Exhibition (Games and Puzzleswill be conducted