The prize is not the destination; it’s the recognition of your efforts and determination.
Annual prize distribution was conducted in the school from 17th February,2024 to 24th February,2024. The prizes were distributed to the winners class-wise. Students felt very happy to receive the prizes and medals for their outstanding performances in Interhouse competitions and Intramurals. The exceptional performance of the students in all events has been an inspiration to their peer group. The accomplishments of the winers is the result of their hard work and dedication.
The prizes and medals to the outstanding achievers in Olympiads and Games and Sports in District and State level were awarded by the Director on 24th February,2024.
The overall championship cups for the Academic year 2023-24 were also awarded by the Director and it was a testament for their unwavering determination, resilience and hard work.
The championship trophy for ACADEMICS was won by the RED HOUSE. May this achievement gives them more inspiration and motivation.
The championship trophy for GAMES AND SPORTS was awarded to the YELLOW HOUSE. It was a victorious performance and the demonstration of their teamwork.
The championship trophy for the NOTICE BOARD DISPLAY was awarded to the BLUE HOUSE for their dedication & teamwork to put up a creative and informative display.
The OVERALL CHAMPIONSHIP trophy was awarded to the RED HOUSE and cheers to their well-deserved success!!! The Runner-up trophy was awarded to the GREEN HOUSE team as they deserve every bit of it. Teachers of the respective houses were also awarded with prizes for their hard work and dedication.
As a mark of appreciation, the co-ordinators of various houses and departments were awarded with mementos for their tremendous efforts in carrying forward the legacy of the school in all aspects.
Principal Visalakshi madam and Headmistress Arundhati madam also received awards for being good facilitators and guides.
The student council members received certificates as a mark of appreciation for their acts of leadership and being good role models to their peer group. Positive leadership makes it a joy to work on all kinds of tasks. The guidance and vision of our Director will go a long way in helping us to overcome challenges and make it a better organization.
Director Ranganayaki madam advised the students to believe in themselves which is the first secret to success. She encouraged the students by saying that they should be role models to others and set bench mark to their peers. She appreciated all the winners for their outstanding performance and told the other children not to get disheartened but try to participate in all the activities as participation is more important.
The programme ended by singing the National Anthem.
Little Angels is a dream destination for students who wish to have holistic education. Excellent blending of curricular and co-curricular programmes in the school bring out the latent talents of students in the school.....Read More..