World computer Literacy Day is celebrated annually on December 2nd.
Celebration of this day is the best opportunity to learn in detail about computer and its related technology.
Like every year, ‘Chips & Bytes’, the Computer Club of our school celebrated this day.
Student members of the club actively participated in the assembly to make the celebration successful and memorable thorough-out the rest of the year. They designed wonderful charts. They presented a thought, amazing facts on computer and an article about the importance of the day. The skit on ‘Proper use of Internet and Social Networking Sites’ was the main attraction of the event. The alert messages conveyed to the audience through the skit are extremely helpful in todays’ scenario.
They mentioned that revealing personal information, posting photos of self and family members, accepting friend requests from unknown persons in Facebook, Instagram and other networking sites are not at all safe. They also spread awareness about use of genuine antivirus software for online transactions.
Cross Word Puzzle & Digital Painting competitions and Cyber Quiz were also conducted.
Headmistress Mrs.Arundhati appreciated the sincere efforts of students and teacher-in-charges of the Computer Club – ‘Chips & Bytes’ in contributing to the success of the programme.
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