‘Ring out the old, Ring in the new
The year is going, let him go
Ring out the false, ring in the true’.
Little Angels School bid adieu to 2017 and welcomed the year 2018 on 30th December in a special assembly. Students rendered a melodious ‘New Year Song’.
They also read out articles about new year and important happenings in India in the year 2017.
Principal Smt.Visalakshi and Head Mistress Smt. Arundhati wished the children on this occasion members of Student Council spoke about their New Year Resolutions.
School Director Smt.M.Ranganayaki addressed the teachers and students and urged them to accept the challenges in life with a positive attitude.
Little Angels is a dream destination for students who wish to have holistic education. Excellent blending of curricular and co-curricular programmes in the school bring out the latent talents of students in the school.....Read More..