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Aims and Objectives of Telugu Club:

The main objective of the club is to make the students know the importance of our motherland, mother and mother tongue. To improve Telugu language proficiency of the students. To motivate children to know the importance of Telugu. To increase the confidence of learners in their daily use of Telugu language. To enhance the communication skills of the students. To nurture the qualities of leadership, team spirit and co-operation among the members which will help them perform better in their career in the future. To make the students value the power of language to explore and express their views and reducing their stage fear by improving their confidence, To make the students value the role of language in developing positive interaction and co-operation with others.

Activities planned by TELUGU CLUB for the academic year 2024-25:

Date of conduct of the Event


Activities planned


Rayaprolu Subba Rao gari Vardhanthi


Assembly Programme through PA System .




Telugu Bhasha Dinotsavam 


Classwise competitions will be conducted for classes 1 to 10

Classes 1 and 2: Bala Geyalu recitation

Classes 3 to 5: Speak up  (Students should speak 5 sentences in Telugu about  their favourite poet)

 Classes 6 to 10: Recitation of Poems written by SRI SRI


Telugu Bhasha Dinotsavam

Special outdoor Assembly Programme


Gurajada Apparao


Relevant material and charts will be displayed in subject display board


Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat 

Sankranthi Celabrations 


Special outdoor Assembly Programme


International Mother Tongue day 


Relevant material and charts will be displayed in subject display board.