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"Play is an active form of learning that unites mind, body and soul."

  • Physical development is very essential in a child's growing years. The right kind of sports and physical training play an integral part in the development of the child. The age old saying " A sound mind dwells in a sound body" also relates to children as much as it does to adults.
  • Keeping this concept in mind, we at Little Angels School, have a Physical and Health Education Department which is managed by qualified Physical Education teachers.
  • The school has a large play ground with Cricket nets, exclusive courts for Basketball, Volleyball, Throw ball, Badminton and indoor games like Table Tennis, Chess etc. In addition, coaches for Table Tennis, Chess and Cricket have been appointed to coach the students.
  • Every class has a games period in the time table. Mass PT and drills are conducted on a weekly basis. Children are also allowed to use the school playground for games and sports in the evenings.
  • Those who excel in games and sports are also sent to take part in district, state and national level games of School Games Federation and in other open competitions conducted by CBSE. They bring many laurels to the school.