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"It is our collective and individual responsibility ..... to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live." - Dalai Lama

  • Little Greens Club was inaugurated on 26.01.2008 in collaboration with the National Green Corps movement initiated nationwide by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India.
  • The student members and teachers of the Little Greens Club work towards environmental conservation for a more secure and sustainable planet. The club exposes our students to an in-depth field experience and provides opportunities to convert their ideas into creative action. 
  • The Little Greens Club is also active in conducting Talks, Rallies, promote environmental awareness among the general public.
  • Aims and Objectives of Little Greens Club:

  • To awaken the interest of the students regarding the environment.
  • To develop in the students a respect for the environment.
  • To help students learn the importance of living things and to inculcate the feeling of sympathy towards all creatures.
  • To encourage students to perform those activities which are helpful for maintaining ecological balance.
  • To teach students how to conserve our natural resources like coal, water etc.
  • To motivate students to constantly think of protecting our natural environment in their day- to -day lives.
  • To make environmental education more meaningful and activity-oriented.
  • Activities planned by LITTLE GREENS CLUB for the academic year 2024-25:

    Date of conduct of the Event


    Activities planned





    Day1-a)Special assembly programme through PA system

    b) Documentary  on environment ’My octopus teacher’ will be screened in the library for classes 6 to 10  

    Day2-Flash mob awareness programme based on the theme-3R’s(Class 9&10) 

    Day3-Art and craft competition(Tree- themed art work using recycled materials) for classes 4 to 10

    Day4-Green donor day-Students will donate saplings to school garden


    Ganesh chaturthi

    Act-1:Demonstration of eco -friendly immersion of idols in the school Assembly

    Act-2:Conversation in assembly (Awareness on usage of  eco-friendly colours in the preparation of idols )

    Act-3:Distribution of idols to steel plant officials and Agro-forestry department.




     National Nutrition Week

    Day-1Monday:Awareness program in the class assembly (Importance of balanced diet)

    Day-2:Tuesday:Healthy snacks made of millets and dry fruits will be brought by children  as snacks for their short break.

    Day3:Wednesday:Students will bring food rich in minerals,vitamins and fibre for their lunch (in non plastic boxes)

    Day4:Thursday:Healthy snacks station/stall-Display and presentation on pulses, millets,dry

    fruits, vegetables , fruits etc and nutrition guidelines (Selected students of classes 8 to10)

    30/10/24 Diwali

    a.Awareness (Do's and Don't’s about celebrating safe Diwali)will be given in the assembly.

    b.Green Diwali pledge will be taken by students

    13/12/24 Energy Conservation Day

    Plug out for 20 mins in the school, Display (3R’s principle) in the subject display board.

    26/01/25 Little Greens Club Formation Day Skit on conservation of environment (3R’s and no plastic)
    22/04/25 Earth Day Display(3R’s and no plastic to avoid pollution) in the subject display board.